Jun 22, 1892

Frank Pugh of Iowa is looking over Miller and vicinity with a view of locating.

August 2, 1895

Interest Still Maintained in the Teacher’s Summer Normal.

Thursday afternoon the merits of Northwestern Journal of Education were discussed and it was recommended by various instructors. Teachers were also invited to write for the paper and to make suggestions and criticisms.
Mrs. Edwards, formerly principal of the eighth grade school, give a talk on the proper reading and training for children. She said children live in a fairy world or a world of imagination and that fairy stories and myths other proper food for the minds of children.
Question box discussions; One was on requirements of directors. The subject of corporal punishment was discussed pro and con at considerable length. Most of the teachers seemed in favor of it in homeopathic doses. An examination in arithmetic and bookkeeping took place this morning.
The devotional exercises were conducted by Dr. Trueblood of the U. B. church, who read the first chapter of James and offered  prayer.  Prof. Fairchild of the Doane College, at Crete, presented the claims of his institution. 
Mr. Nieper, with Ms. Mabel Brown as accompanist, rendered an excellent selection in his fine baritone voice. Prof. Murcee, formerly of Platte Institute, proposed to start a new educational project in order to assist prospective teachers in their preparation for future work, also to run a business and musical institution in Kearney.
Ms. Swenson and Ms. Downing gave selections on the piano. In current events
L. B. Clark gave some good thoughts and incidents in regards to Cuban affairs. Some suggestions were made upon the silver question. Mr. Cummings touched upon the Indian troubles and advanced the idea that nothing very serious is likely to happen in the near future.
Miss Mary Mobrey gave several interesting items on current events.
Prof. Stableton made an earnest appeal for kindness and sympathy for the neglected boy in our schools who is “far behind others of his age”.
Mrs. Tucker helped to illustrate by telling a story of a cowboy who attended her first school in Nebraska. Her description of him when she first saw him at her school, his earnestness, faithfulness and success were truly inspiring to the teacher. Number enrolled 210.
Directory of Buffalo school teachers:

Ravenna: includes Mary Pugh, Maggie Pugh and Nellie Pugh

Dec 9, 1895

William Vogt, and old resident of Shelton, died today from pleurisy.


Wednesday Judge Estering issued marriage licenses to J.H. Greenwood aged 21 of Elmcreek to wed Miss Mae Burger , aged 20, of Kearney: also to Joseph Vogt, of Gibbon, aged 21, to wed Miss Katie Pugh, aged 29 of Ravenna.

Feb 10, 1897

Will Vogt yesterday purchased W.O Smith’s livery stock and will continue the business. Smith has not yet decided what he will turn his hand to.

Apr 19, 1897

Car Burner Tried: Sentenced to 30 days in Jail by Judge Hoge, this was probably not his first offense.  Union Pacific suffers much loss from such criminal’s Acts.
L.M Willis, who was brought back from Gibbon Saturday by Constable Julian, charged with car burning, had a trial Monday morning in Judge Hoge’s justice court and was found guilty and sentenced to spend 30 days in the county jail. The evidence of Agent Harte, of Gibbon, told the way he was caught in the act. When No. 3 came through Gibbon Friday evening the conductor informed the agent that a boxcar down in the yards was on fire. The agent took William Vogt, and went down. They found a fire in the middle of the car floor, and the tramp, Willis, apparently asleep. They called him, and he came to the door, and asked them what they wanted. Mr. Harte told him to come out, without making any false motions, which he did. Then the fire was put out, and the prisoner turned over to the village constable. The car was not damaged much, but the harm comes from the removal of the waste from the oil boxes on the journals. With the oil and the waste out, a car coupled into a train and run a few miles, will burn a journal off and is liable to cause a wreck.
In the trial Attorneys Marston and Marston prosecuted and E. Frank Brown appeared for the defense. Witnesses sworn to the prosecution were Agent Harte, of Gibbon. Williams Vogt, of Gibbon and Constable Julian. The evidence was sufficient for Judge Hoge to find him guilty.
The Union Pacific has been a serious loser the past year on account of car burners and tramps who remove the waste from the journal boxes to build fires. Two cars have been ruined at Gibbon, one at Stephenson, two or three at Cheyenne, and one near Cozad burned a journal off and might have caused a wreck on account of an unknown person removing waste from the boxes.
It was for a similar crime that William Clancy was recently arrested at Gibbon, brought before Judge Hoge, who in that case the commissioner of the federal court, and bound over to the May term of the federal court, at Omaha. Clancy's excuse was that he drank and did not know what he was doing. From a remark dropped by Willis to Agent Harte, it is surmised that this was not the first fire he built in a car. He said he would have guessed he must have left the wrong door open this time. Willis claims east Tennesee for his home, where he was endeavoring to reach. He says he’s been a soldier, as was discharged some time ago. He had beat his way this far east from Salt Lake.

Apr 19, 1897

Agent Harte, of the Union Pacific, and William Vogt of Gibbon, who were in Kearney today on the Willis car burning case, left on the No 2 for home.

Apr 9, 1898

William Vogt of Gibbon aged 26 and Mary Pugh aged 25 of Ravenna were licensed to marry Saturday.

Nov 14, 1900

Vote of Township Officials. Full vote for Various Candidates for Township Offices.  In following returns, the first names candidate is fusion, second republican, third mid-road populist. (Skipped to Schneider) Clerk Louis Schuller 90: treasurer, John Stittle 92; assessor, F.A. Schuler 92;  F.W. Reedy 88: road overseer No 12, C. Wedemeyer 70; No. 45 Patrick Pugh 45.

Feb 12, 1900

William Vogt has been appointed administrator of the estate of the late Chas. Nelson, who was killed by his son last November.

December 28, 1900

Mrs. Freeman Depew, of Hastings, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Vogt, returned this morning.

January 31, 1901

Miss Nellie Pugh will teach the school in District No. 117.

Jan 22, 1901

Mrs. J. Vogt left last evening via the Union Pacific for Cheyenne, Wyoming, where she will rejoin her husband and make her home.

June 1, 1901

Mary Vogt was appointed guardian by Judge Yost Saturday of Pearl and Vernon Weston, minor children whose parents have deserted them. Mrs. Vogt lives in Gardner Township. (Grandma Vogt?)

October 1, 1901

Mrs. William Vogt, of Riverdale, went to Gibbon Tuesday to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Pugh.

January 13, 1902

Mrs. J. Vogt  of Cheyenne, who has the visiting her sister Mrs. William Vogt  of Riverdale, returned home Monday.

April 12, 1902

Mrs. William Vogt, living northwest of the city, went to Gibbon Saturday to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hughes, who live near that place.

Mar 31, 1903

Patrick Pugh of Ravenna looked after business matters in Kearney on Tuesday.

Feb 3, 1904

Mary Vogt to John Pierce w.d. nhf nwqr 84-11-14 $2,000.
John Joseph Vogt and wife to Mary Vogt w.d.nhf  nwqr 84-11-14 $1.00
George Vogt and wife to Mary Vogt q.c.d. nbf  nwqr 34-11-14 $1.00
Heirs of William Vogt to Mary Vogt a.w.d. nfh  nwqr 84-11-14$1.00.
Frank Vogt, Maggie Vogt, James Vogt and wife to Mary Vogt w.d. nhf  nwqr 34-11-14 $1.00.

June 9, 1904

Judge Hallowell afternoon Wednesday united in marriage, Frank Vogt, aged 22 years and Roxey M Pratt, aged 18 both of Gibbon.  (brother to Will and Joe)

Mar 22, 1905

Patrick Pugh and wife to John Hofbaner wd se qr 33-11-14. $4000.00

Apr 1, 1905

Charles A Robinson and wife to Patrick Pugh qcd se qr 24-9-18 $1.
Susannah E. Nead and hus to Patrick Pugh wd se qr 24-9-18 $2000.

May 24, 1906

Ms. Allie Pugh, of Elmcreek, arrived this city Thursday morning. She expects to be here for some time and is engaged in sewing.

July 24, 1906

Teachers are Examined. Large Enrollment from all Parts of the County. There was a large number of prospective teachers who took the July examination for teachers certification, 45 people being registered. All parts of the county were represented and all but one were candidates for second-grade certification. The candidate for first grade certification was Harvey McVey, of Kearney.  The other candidates from various towns were the following:  Elmcreek: Nellie Pugh and Allie Pugh.

April 4, 1907

Passumpsie Savings Bank to William Vogt, Corp. W.D. E ½ SW ¼ and W1/2 SE 18 -9-17 $1,000.

March 27, 1908

Box Elder – March 25   Ms. Nellie Pugh went to Kearney to the declamatory contest.

May 26, 1906

Ms. Florence Shal?n and Ms. Myrtle Haase closed their nine months term of school at the Center school house on Friday. Ms. Allie Pugh closed the West school on the same day. The East school will not be out until next Friday.

April 04, 1908

Miss Nellie Pugh has been elected to fifth and sixth grades of the Gibbon schools.

April 25, 1908

Box Elder – April 20. Ms. Nellie Pugh visited over Sunday at Henry Wood’s.

May 18, 1908

Box Elder – May 18. Ms. Nellie Pugh has accepted a position as teacher in that Eddyville schools.


Miss Nellie Pugh spent her Christmas vacation at her home near Elmcreek.

May 1, 1909

Gibbon Reporter Note: At a meeting of the school board teachers for the coming year were elected as follows: Mamie Robb, principal; Allie Winn assistant principal, Nellie Pugh sixth and seventh grade; Molly Hawkins fourth and fifth grade; Clara DeWitt second and third grade; Edith Preis primary and first grade.  With the exception of the two first named, the teachers are new ones. Superintendent Gibson has been re-engaged for several months past.

October 29, 1910

An Old Resident is Dead; James Halliwell, of Odessa, Succumbs at his home Friday. James Halliwell, known all over Buffalo County and one of the pioneers of this section of the country, died at his home in Odessa Friday night of the long standing disease. Mr. Halliwell came here in a very early day and took a homestead. He has resided in Buffalo County continuously since then. He was about 85 years old. Funeral services will be held at Elmcreek on Sunday and the body will be interred there. Mr. Halliwell leaves a large family and many friends.

November 5, 1910

Obituary: Died-at his home in Odessa, on Friday, October 28 1910 James Halliwell, age 91 years seven months and two days. Deceased was born in Manchester, England, was married in 1840 to Eleanor Rigley and came to this country and settled in Pennsylvania. Eleven children were born to them, four of whom are still living –S.B. Halliwell of this place: Mrs. Mary E. Miller of Mexico PA, Mrs. Margaret Perchy, of Altoona, PA and Mrs. C.J. McAlonan a Spokane, Washington. Mr. Halliwell came to Nebraska in 1872 and was one of the very first settlers in this community. The funeral services were held at his home Sunday morning October 30, conducted by Rev. French of Elmcreek. A large number of friends and neighbors accompanied the remains to their resting place in the Elmcreek Cemetery.

May 30, 1911

J. P. Halliwell went to Pocatello Idaho today and will remain there indefinitely.

May 4, 1912

Delightful House Party.  A delightful week-end party was given this week by Misses Nellie Mayn and Maude Goodwin, 211 E. 25th St. to a group of young ladies from Elmcreek, the occasion being in the nature of the farewell. Ms. Mayn, at present in the Kearney schools, taught last year at Elmcreek and goes to Lincoln next year. The ladies present at the party where Misses Hall, Frank, Clarke, Norris, McJilton, Waters, Streuhrk, and Pugh.

Apr 7, 1913

Mrs. J.B. Pugh and children returned to her home at Atlantic Monday after having spent Sunday at Elmcreek where Mr. Pugh is located.

July 18, 1914

Jack Hallowell of Pocatello Idaho arrived here on Saturday for a visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Halliwell. His wife and little daughter have been here for some time.

Jul 10, 1915

Alice Ware, Margaret Hurley and Nellie Pugh were passengers for their homes in Elmcreek, spending the weekend with their parents. They will again resume their duties at the Normal next week.

Apr 3, 1915

Ms. Nellie Pugh, who teaches the seventh and eighth grades in the school here and who was on the sick list last week is able to take charge of her work again this week. Ms. Hazel Shrake had charge of the grades during this Pugh's absence.

June 19th 1915

Nellie Pugh left for Elmcreek and will spend Sunday there visiting her parents.

Apr 22, 1916

Nellie Pugh is sick and we understand that she has been advised up her room in the Elmcreek school for that it will be necessary for her to give the balance of the year. (article error)

Mar 17, 1917

The board of education of the Elmcreek school has re-elected Supt Novotny, Mrs. Yoder, Miss Edith Hall and Miss Pugh for the 1914-1918 school year.

January 18, 1918

J.J. Vogt was in the city this morning. He autoed down from Elm Creek to look after business locally.

June 8, 1918

Among the Elmcreek young people who enrolled for work in the Kearney State Normal school are Ruby Bliss, Ruby Neidigh, Lila Jones, Mildred Bryan, Stella Schrack, Iva Carpenter, Elizabeth Vogt, Nellie Pugh, Irene Fitz and Harvey Mitchell.

August 22, 1919

Mrs. Mary Vogt came up from Shelton Wednesday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. L. A. Bissell.

Jun 30, 1920

Robert Halliwell of Odessa and Elizabeth Vogt, of Elmcreek were granted a marriage license in county court Tuesday afternoon.

July 6, 1920

Mrs. Mary Vogt came up from Shelton Tuesday to be present at the wedding of Ms. Elizabeth Vogt on Wednesday morning.

Jul 8, 1920

Elizabeth May Vogt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WilliamVogt, and Robert S Halliwell, youngest son of S. B. Halliwell were united in marriage June 30 by Rev. Father Sullivan in the Catholic Church at Elmcreek. They were attended by Frank Vogt, brother of the bride, and Teresa Keenan of Elmcreek. The wed North Platte and will be at home to the bride and the wedding dinner was served at 7:30 in the evening with about 30 guests being present. The happy couple left for a short stay at North Platte and will be at home to their many friends in Odessa after July 13. (newspaper error)

Jul 19, 1920

Miss Nellie Pugh of Elmcreek was a visitor in Kearney yesterday.

August 5, 1920

Mr. and Mrs. Pugh, Ms. Nellie Pugh, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vogt, and son Justin of Elmcreek and Mrs.Will Vogt and daughter Margaret were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halliwell.

August 27, 1920

Odessa: Mr. and Mrs. Pugh, Nellie Pugh, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vogt and son Justin of Elmcreek, Mr. Will Vogt and family and S. B. Halliwell and family were guests at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halliwell on Sunday.

August 10, 1920

Announce Teachers for Buffalo County. Hundreds of Teachers Contract for Ensuing Year.  Ms. Catherine Laughlin superintendent of the schools in Buffalo County has announced the names of the teachers who have signed contracts to teach in Buffalo County during the ensuing year. Ms. Laughlin includes all the teachers of the County with the exception of those will teach in the Kearney city schools. Number nine Elmcreek includes Nellie Pugh.

September 11, 1920

Mrs. Joe Vogt, of Elmcreek, and Mrs. J. L. Daul, of Stoneham, Colorado, visited Mrs. R. S Halliwell on Wednesday.

November 6, 1920

Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tracy entertained last Sunday for dinner, the guests being Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Guss and son Charles of Kearney,  the Misses Nellie Pugh, Edith Hall and Mary Shubert, of Elmcreek. Mr. Tracy observed his 77th birthday.

Nov 9, 1920

Misses Edith Hall, Nellie Pugh and Mary Shubert spent the weekend in Kearney at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gass.

Dec 4 1920

Mr. and Mrs. Halliwell had Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vogt at Elmcreek.

Jun 13, 1921

Miss Nellie Pugh left Sunday morning to Pocatello, Idaho where she will spend two weeks at the home of her niece, Mrs. Elizabeth Haliwell, and will then to Tacoma, Washington where she will visit her sister. 

June 20, 1921

At the annual meeting of stockholders of the Equity Exchange on Saturday J. P. Marshall was elected president, Victor Bordine vice president, W.T. Gould secretary-treas, John Shannon, J.R. Hosfelt, Will Vogt, George Sheldon and H.C.A. Harder compose the board of directors.

March 24, 1922

Mrs. Robert Halliwell of Pocatello is visiting at S.B., Halliwell’s home this week.

August 20, 1923

Nellie Pugh of Elmcreek shopped in Kearney yesterday.

Oct 1st, 1923

Miss Nellie Pugh was accompanied to Omaha on Monday by Mrs. Will Vogt. Miss Pugh has been in poor health for some time and is in a hospital receiving treatment.

July 23, 1923

Mrs. Joe Vogt was the victim of a paralytic stroke Wednesday evening about six o'clock while sitting at the supper table at the home of her father Patrick Pugh in Elmcreek. Her condition is reported on Thursday as being slightly improved.

Aug 11 1924

Joe Vogt, Justin Vogt, Miss Nellie Pugh, Margaret Vogt and Frank Vogt started Monday morning on a drive to Pocatello, Idaho.

September 5, 1924

Mrs. Robert Halliwell of  Pocatello, Idaho who was visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Vogt, and her husband’s parents Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Halliwell returned to her home on Monday.

June 6, 1925

County Makes Fine Showing-Nearly 30 Boys to Enter the Training Camp. Buffalo County will make an excellent showing in C.M.T.C enrollments this year 23 students having already been registered. Thisranks third in the state with only Douglas and Lancaster County leading. The list of Buffalo County lads who are registered at this time are….. Justin Moran Vogt of Elm Creek,


Frank Pugh died

April 23, 1926

Vogt Given First Mortgage: Original Owner of Land Favored by Court Decision.  Some time ago John Vogt, of Elmcreek, sold a piece of land located near Odessa to Albert Bostrom on contract, agreeing to pay a certain sum and the original owner to carry a first mortgage of $5, 000 for the balance. Shortly thereafter, Bostrom, it is alleged, borrowed the sum of $3, 000 from Benjamin J Hallberg of Axtell, giving him a first mortgage on the same piece of land. With two first mortgages in existence a tangle presented itself that the courts were called upon to unravel.
It was brought out at the hearing that Hallberg, on making the loan, had acted through his agent. Bostrom contends that he never talked first mortgage in making his cash loan, thinking that the first mortgage naturally went to Vogt, former owner. The court ruled that Vogt was entitled to first mortgage protection due to the fact that the titles of the land was originally invested by him.

January 29, 1927

Ms. Marguerite Vogt, of Miller, is spending the week visiting at the home of Mrs. David Olson.

May 12, 1927

Bethel- Alvin Bissell and family drove to Shelton last Sunday and visited with Alvin’s grandmother, Mrs. Mary Vogt.

July 16, 1927

Honor Ms. Stella Schrack.  Mrs. Murl Ashbaugh assisted by Ms. Ruby Bliss, both of Elmcreek, entertained Thursday evening at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Ms. Stella Schrack, in view of her approaching marriage to Mr. Rolland D. Koenitzer of Ames, Iowa. The home of Mrs. Ashbaugh was decorated very appropriately for the occasion. A social good time was enjoyed by all, after which the bride- to- be was presented with beautiful and useful gifts. Those present were the Mesdames Floyd Swanson, George Tyler, Charles Palmer, Victor Petty, Etta Pettett, Clark Miller, C.T. Masten, S. A. Rose, Frank Witmer, Hardin Armstrong, Merl Denning, William Schrack Carpenter, Murl Ashbaugh, and the Misses Hattie Clark, Nellie Pugh, Leona Schrack, Gertrude Hill and Ruby Bliss, all of Elmcreek. Mrs. Ed Shannon of Lexington, Mrs. Ellsworth Moore, of Odessa and the Misses Bertha Zeck and Betty Molgard of Kearney, were out of town guests.

Aug 11, 1927

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vogt and daughter enjoyed a visit on Thursday from Mr. and Mrs. Will Vogt and Miss Nellie Pugh of Elmcreek.

Aug 16, 1927

Will Add Two New Teachers: First time in four years change made at Elmcreek.  The Board of Education at Elmcreek schools have made but two changes in the faculty that will be in charge of the education of Elmcreek youngsters in the high school for the coming year. The change broke a record which Elmcreek had established, it being the first change in the high school faculty in four years. The new teachers on the staff are Sherman Mulvaney, teacher and director of athletics, and Ms. Margaret West, history teacher. Following is a list of the faculty members for the coming year: C. S. Hetrick superintendent of schools. Ms. Nellie Pugh, high school English. Ms. Zelda Norris, mathematics. Mrs. George Mitchell, language. Ms. Margaret West, history. Sherman Mulvaney, manual training. Ms. Irene Praim, departments. Ms. Belle Mulvaney, departments. Mrs. Susan Hulbert, intermediate. Ms. Lillie Jurgensen, intermediate. Ms. Edith Hall, primary. Ms. Irene McMullen, secretary.

August 29, 1927

Mrs. Robert Halliwell and young daughter Betty Lou of  Pocatello, Idaho are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. William Vogt and at the S.B. Halliwell home.

December 3, 1928

Justin Vogt is located in Denver, having been transferred to that point by the American Telegraph and Telephone company.

January 28, 1929

Word was received an Elmcreek last week that Margaret Vogt has been operated upon for appendicitis. She is staying this winter with her sister Mrs. Robert Halliwell, at Lovell, Wyoming.

Feb 15, 1929

Mr. and Mrs. Will Vogt are having a sale on Tuesday and are going to move to Wheatland, Wyoming, where their son Frank is located.

April 1, 1929

Frank Vogt drove down from Wheatland last week returning on Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Will Vogt, who has not gone to the new home yet.

August 24, 1929

Honored Guests with Dinner: Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Kenney, of North Kearney, entertained at a seven o'clock dinner Sunday evening in honor of Ms. Ruby Greutman of Amherst and Ms. Margaret Vogt of Miller. The young ladies were about to return to Hastings to resume their work at the Mary Lanning Hospital after a three week’s vacation with home folks. The guest list includes the Ms. Ruby Greutman, Ms. Margaret Vogt, Mr. Walters and Mr. Stehers, of Hastings and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kenny and daughter Eula Virgene. (daughter of William and Mary?)

September 18, 1929

Bethel: Grandma Vogt of Shelton and Lewis Bissell's family spent Sunday at Alvin Bissell’s helping little Bobby Bissell celebrate his second birthday anniversary.
Friday evening Joe Vogt, of Elmcreek, brought Grandma Vogt who had been visiting there, to the Lewis Bissell home where she visited until Sunday evening when Bissell’s then took her to her home in Gibbon.

Jul 14, 1930

On Thursday evening, July 3rd, about 35 friends of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Pugh surprised them by meeting at their home to spend the evening. The occasion was the sixtieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Pugh.

Jul 3, 1930

The families of Lewis and Alvin Bissell attended a picnic gathering of relatives in the Kearney park Sunday in honor of Grandma Vogt’s 84th birthday anniversary. All of her children but one, located in Wyoming, were present with their families to about 50 in number. Mrs. Vogt is spending the week at the Lewis Bissell.


February 27, 1931

Mrs. Mike Smith is suffering from an attack of rheumatism. She is at the home of Mrs. Pat Pugh.

March 12, 1932

Riverview Project Club. The Riverview project club met with Mrs. Phyl Weaver on Thursday, March 3 with nine members and two visitors in attendance. The community program to be given Saturday March 12, was planned, the program to be held at the West Riverview school beginning at eight o'clock. A good lunch will be served and there will be plenty of entertainment for all. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Earl Judy, 17 instead of with Mrs. Vogt, the latter's mother Mrs. Pugh having been seriously ill with the flu.

Aug 25, 1933

Misses Alice Yoder and Ruby Bowen left Saturday morning for Denver Colorado where they expect to visit for some time.

November 12, 1933

Mrs. Pat Pugh, who has been quite sick for some time, has been cared for by her daughter, Mrs. Will Vogt, for the past three weeks.

April 02, 1934

Mrs. Pugh had the misfortune to fall Monday evening at home and broke her wrist.

March 2, 1934

Robert Halliwell and family returned to their home in Lovell, Wyoming on Tuesday.

March 30, 1934

Halliwell Family, of Odessa, Also is Well Represented at K. H. S.  Another family which can boast of seven Kearney High graduates has been discovered. Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Halliwell, well-known Odessa residents, can claim this distinction. They have seen seven of their children finish their high school educations at Kearney. First in the list was Delia Halliwell, with the class of 1904, now Mrs. C. C. Smith, 1554 Scenic Ave., Berkeley, California. With the class of 1908 was John Philip Halliwell, now a druggist at Pocatello, Idaho. Leo Blair Halliwell third on the list, was graduated with the class of 1910. A missionary, his address is Baixa Postal 658, Beima – Para Brazil, S.A. With the class of 1911 was Lillian Halliwell, now Mrs. John Birt, of Odessa. Robert S. Halliwell was graduated in 1915 and is now a druggist  in Lovell, Wyoming. Elsie Zelia Halliwell was graduated in 1917, and is now a teacher in Panama. Her address is Box 2005, Cristobal, Canal Zone. The seventh of the Halliwell family to be graduated from Kearney High with Pansy Elinor, of the class of 1922. She is a stenographer, now living at 307 Granite Street, Reno Nevada.

June 14, 1934

Mrs. J.F. Carter entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Ms. Ruby Bowen, Tuesday June 5. A very pleasant afternoon was spent by the guests, making quilt blocks and taking intelligence tests. The bride-to-be received many beautiful and useful gifts. Those attending the shower were: Mesdames L. E. Abbott, Amanda Armstrong, H. Stall, R. A. Dunlavy, L. Carter, O.P Bowen, H. Karr, W. C. Vollmer, E.P. Aten, J. J. Vogt, G. B. Rich,  J. McMullin, and Misses Catherine Carter, Clara Norris, Maxine Atkinson, Alice Yoder, Nola Bowen, Patricia Rich, Esther Krewson, Kate Hurley, and the guest of honor Ruby Bowen. 

July 20, 1934

Green Hill-Mr. and Mrs. David Olson and children drove to Hastings where the Pratt relatives had a picnic Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hable (Marguerite Vogt) lived there. (Franks daughter)

August 4, 1934

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Vogt, of Denver, spent the week-end visiting Mrs. Vogt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Bowen.